Because the evolution of the world and our values require it, we prefer local products and short circuits. It seems necessary for us to be prepared to decarbonize the world, we are making the choice, among other things, of a reasonable animal proteins and their derived products consumption. The meals we offer you at the table d’hôtes are prepared as much as possible with raw materials from organic or sustainable agriculture. We offer you a local, family cuisine, which we share in the large dining room of the Grange des Murgers.

If you let us know a little in advance, we can combine traditional meals and vegetarian dishes.

Meals are served exclusively by reservation, they are taken together around 8 pm.
Breakfasts are served from 7:00  to 10:00 am.

Also, a list will be available to discover some of the wines and beers we have selected from winegrowers and producers in the region. This selection reflects our desire to support a resolutely rural and local work.